Scaffold an angular app

This tutorial is targeted to people familiar with JavaScript and HTML/CSS. You also will need: Node.js up and running. NPM (Node package manager) . You can verify by typing: 1234 node –version## v12.13.0npm –version## 6.12.0 Angular CLI is the best way to get us started. We can download the tool and create a new projectContinue reading “Scaffold an angular app”


ComponentStore From AngularToronto meet up Let’s do the preview of ComponentStore, and see what kind of problems it solves, where it is needed. We’ll go over Design Doc a bit and then dive into examples. We will also discuss any potential improvements. Stackblitz:… GitHub Demo:… Participants: Brandon Roberts ( Santosh Yadav ( SerkanContinue reading “ComponentStore”

Hosting Angular app on GitHub

Hosting Angular app on GitHub You just need a github repository to host on github and make sure that you pushed the latest code. Install github pages tool for angular by using, npm install -g angular-cli-ghpages . Here deploying code in github pages is quite easy, Just need to make sure one thing, when you build yourContinue reading “Hosting Angular app on GitHub”

RxJS Empty Observables!

Empty observables can be dangerous when not understanding how they affect callbacks. In this post I will try to explain how you can avoid getting fooled by empty observables. The subscribe operator The subscribe operator in RxJS provides three callbacks: success, error and complete: Success -> Whenever the Observable emits an item. Error -> Oops something wentContinue reading “RxJS Empty Observables!”

Change Detection Strategy

👉 Change Detection Strategy By default Angular uses the ChangeDetectionStrategy.Default change detection strategy.  The default strategy doesn’t assume anything about the application anything from a click event to data received from an ajax call causes the change detection to be triggered. @Component({ template: ` <h1>Hello {{name}}!</h1> {{runChangeDetection}} ` }) export class HelloComponent { @Input() name: string;Continue reading “Change Detection Strategy”

Angular 8:Child to Parent Component

Parent Component ===================== (notify) = “handler()” ================== Child Component @Output notify =================== If you want to pass some data from child to parent component, we create an EventEmitter and decorate with @Output() decorator to be communicated to the parent. The Parent will have an event binding with the name of the eventEmitter bound to aContinue reading “Angular 8:Child to Parent Component”